
The Room Actors: Where Are They Now? Episodes 5-10

Created by Robyn Paris

The Room Actors: Where Are They Now? is a mockumentary series that follows the actors from so-bad-it's-good cult film The Room.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Lisanne, You’re Tearing Me Apart!
over 5 years ago – Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 07:55:25 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Extra Roles for Kickstarter Backers!! Sept 21st-23rd!
over 5 years ago – Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 05:59:14 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Filming Dates for TRAWATN and the STREAMY AWARDS!!!
almost 6 years ago – Thu, Jul 26, 2018 at 06:33:35 AM

Hello amazing Kickstarter backers!!

Thank you so much again for your incredible support a few weeks ago during our Kickstarter campaign!!

I just returned from a much needed vacation with my family, but I'm back now and we are working hard on scheduling upcoming shoot dates for our 2 new episodes! It's looking more and more like we'll be filming Sept 21/22/23.

We are working around Carolyn Minnot's vacation in September and the schedules of a few amazing folks traveling far and wide for speaking roles in the series! And of course the schedules of THE ROOM actors - several of whom are flying into town for the shoot!

In August, I will be sending out the physical rewards to all Kickstarter backers! T-shirts, Posters, DVDs, Mugs - all that stuff - will be coming to you VERY SOON!! Luckily, I have them all in stock already - yah! In the coming weeks, you will be getting an email from us - either through Kickstarter or Backerkit - our reward fulfillment partner - asking you to confirm your address.

In the meantime, would you nominate us for a Streamy Award in the INDIE SERIES category???? This is one of the TOP awards in the industry for online content. 

There are only 2 more days left to nominate the show - if we get enough nominations by JULY 27th, we will be an automatic finalist. This will raise the profile of the series considerably and help us MAKE MORE EPISODES!


CLICK HERE to nominate the series - remember to chose the INDIE SERIES category!

Thank you so much for your continued support! We love you all and can't wait to give you a first look at the new episodes. I will be sending updates more frequently in August as we go into pre-production!!!

Thank you again!!

Robyn and The Room Actors

6 Days to Go and 72% funded!! New rewards announced!
almost 6 years ago – Sat, Jun 30, 2018 at 09:26:29 AM

Hey incredible Kickstarter backers!! 

We've got exactly 6 days left to go in the campaign & we're 72% funded!! We have a few super cool new rewards and announcements to make!! 

First though, a huge THANK YOU to all of our incredibly generous backers for joining The Room Actors team! Because of you, the next episodes of THE ROOM ACTORS: WHERE ARE THEY NOW? are so close to being funded. YOU, supporters and fans, are why we're doing this. 

Remember to visit our Facebook page to see your name in lights - we are giving shout-outs and personal thank you's there to all our backers!

Q & A with THE ROOM Actors!! Do we have any Reddit fans in the house?

6 of the Room actors (Juliette Danielle, Kyle Vogt, Dan Janjigian, Philip Haldiman, Greg Ellery) and I did a Reddit IAMA Wednesday night and it was a blast! Visit the AMA here.

We answered hundreds of questions about being on the set of The Room, how we got involved in it, what it was like to make the mockumentary series and literally everything else. If you missed it, no worries, you can still read it here and ask questions. We'll be visiting the thread over the next few days to answer any remaining questions!

If you know a Room fan who would love to read the reddit thread, please share it! We want to engage as many roomies as possible and invite them to join our journey. 

REDUCED RATES on high ticket items! 

We've reduced the rates on a few high ticket items! BE our EXECUTIVE PRODUCER! Reduced from $10k to $7,500k!  With this donation, you are funding an entire episode yourself and you'll will receive credit as our Exec Producer for ALL NEW EPISODES! You also get to visit the set with a guest, having a speaking role in the series (if you want) and get ALL of our physical rewards and digital downloads!

Visit the set with a guest and be an EXTRA in the film!! Reduced from $500 to $350! This reward is good for 2 people - so it's 2 for the price of 1. You also get most of our physical rewards and all the digital downloads. 


We have some exclusive limited rewards we released a few days ago! Take a look:

 Please share this email with other ROOM FANS who want to see more episodes exist!!



Robyn and The Room actors

We did it!! We hit our GOAL!! Miss the chance to support?? It's not too late!
almost 6 years ago – Sat, Jun 30, 2018 at 09:21:56 AM

Thank you to all of our amazing backers that helped us hit our goal TODAY! 


Did you or a friend miss the chance to back our campaign for new episodes here on Kickstarter? You can still support by joining our team on PATREON. Patreon supporters have access to the same behind-the-scenes VLOGS, early access to new Room Actors episodes, signed posters, DVDs, t-shirts. mugs, etc.!  
Support now on Patreon!
Support now on Patreon!

A hearty THANK YOU to all of you who supported us and spread the word to your friends and family - because of you, new Room Actors episodes will exist!!

MORE UPDATES COMING SOON - We will be making the new episodes in late SUMMER!! We'll be sending updates as we move into pre-production. 

Thanks again - we truly appreciate your help!


Robyn Paris